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Translation machine for specific usages, made with small amounts of reference data.
Contact us for the service details.
Please send us your inquiry.
How to Use T-3MT

The more similar the translation subject is to the bilingual data, the less data used for customization.

T-3MT Features


30 pages

of reference translation



and cost

than human translations

Higher precision

You can utilize excellent, customized translation with just 30 pages of reference translations.

T-3MT reproduces even subtle expressions and phrases. It can complete translation work in your company to greatly improve speed and cost.

Obtained BLEU score of 88. Acknowledged to produce even higher quality than human translations.

T-3MT's Functions

High-Precision and Flexible Customization.

T-3MT offers translation with high-precision and flexible customization. It can translate various papers, documents, and software.

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Handling Instructions & Catalogs

Documents that require frequent discussion between the manufacturer and the translation company due to update works.

Technical Books

Documents that need customization due to the heavy use of company-specific terms

IR Documents

Documents that need high-precision translation due to the use of specialized terms

Contact us for the service details.
Please send us your inquiry.
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